Daz login failed

Hi! So I'm new to 3D in general, but I know computers, and I know my password to all of the sites and programs I use that require a login. However, when I go to login to Daz3D it says login failed, but does not give a reason, just a blank dialog box. So I figured I might have gotten my passwords mixed up. I did not, my password is correct as I used it to login to my account on the website to post to the forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I want to try downloading some more mods, to see if I like those styles more than what came with the genesis 2/3 package.

However, I can't really do that until I can login. Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • Since you can log in here I assume you mean your Daz Studio or Daz Install Manager log-ins are failing - which is it?

  • Daz seems to be working, though it has it's moments where it's slow, or it'll crash... So I'm not sure if it's the install manager login or the software itself. When I go to click the login menu option, because I'm also having errors getting hair on my models it's greyed out with an elipses behind it. The first day I installed the program it worked perfectly fine. I'll try reinstalling the software and see if that takes care of my login issue.

  • Please specify which Daz something it is you are using - I don't usually demand that people call daz Studio Daz Studio rather than just Daz, and the saem for Install Manager, but in this case it's an essential distinction.

    Now, assuming you mean Daz Studio and the Connect menu is shoing Log-In... greyed out, that would indicate that you were logged in - if so there should be a log-out option (I can't recall the extact label) below it that is enabled.

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